Self Control (Child Version)
Self-control is like having a superpower that helps you make good choices and handle your feelings. It means being able to think before you act and resist doing things that might feel good right now but are not good for you in the long run. When you have self-control, you can achieve big goals, be healthier, do well in school, have good friendships, and feel more confident.
Here are three important areas to work on to help you build self-control:
- Impulse Control: It is about thinking before you act and considering the outcome or consequences. You can practice this by pausing before doing something and thinking about what might happen next. Imagine if your action could get you in trouble or hurt you. By stopping and thinking, you can make better choices and stay focused on doing the right things.
- Emotional Control: It is important to manage your feelings and manage them in a healthy way. Sometimes you might feel angry, frustrated, or disappointed, and that is okay. But it is essential to learn how to calm yourself down and not let your emotions make you act impulsively or do something you will not be happy about later. Take a deep breath, talk about your feelings with someone you trust, and keep going even when things do not go as planned.
- Movement Control: Being able to sit still when you need to be a good thing. It can be challenging when you have lots of energy, but you can practice by being calm and setting clear expectations. Engaging in physical activities and getting enough rest can also help you stay focused and calm.
Remember, self-control is not about just saying “no” to temptations or waiting for rewards. It is also about keeping your promises, following through on commitments, and sticking to your goals. It takes time and practice to develop self-control, so be patient with yourself. By learning self-control, you will be able to make better decisions, achieve your goals, and live a happier and more meaningful life. So, keep practicing, be patient, and believe in yourself. You have the power to be in charge of your thoughts and actions!