About Nurture2Prosper

Our Goal

Our goal is to share resources that will help nurture children by using Christian principles which signpost them to excel and grow into adulthood.

Nurture to Prosper was borne out of the book with the same title written by Ubongabasi in 2017. The book, Nurture to Prosper: How Everyday Christian Activities Can Help Your Child To Excel Academically provides guidance on how parents, grandparents and guardians can use everyday Christian activities in nurturing children both in the Christian faith and for academic excellence.

One of the concluding texts in the book mentioned that the keys to achieving success are to constantly improve, learn new ideas, share good practices and engage in a community with the same mindsets. That gives birth to these resources to continuously share ideas and resources that can help nurture our children to excel not only academically but to enable them to reach their full potential physical, emotional and spiritual.

What Some Readers Say

As a mother of four children, with varied ages…10 – 20, this is a superbly put together Christian book I would have LOVED to lay hands on years ago when the kids were little. This gem of a book tackles both the Christian and academic teaching of nurturing our future leaders excellently. This is a definite “must read” for both parents and grandparents and I highly recommend this book!


Excellent book for Christian parents like myself . It really helped me to reflect on how I teach my children about God and indeed if I was doing enough with them. Since reading the book I have introduced daily bible readings and devotions that we read and discuss every morning .

Rosanna lynch

A fantastic book, very practical, and a useful guide for Christians. An easy to read book for everyone, you wouldn’t want to put it down.

Uchenwa Ubah


This 83- page book is fluid, easy to understand and timely book for parents, children, counsellors and care-giver to children on how nurture these children with Christian principles that will help them grow into adulthood. This book will give fillip to student mentors, family, as a building blocks of faith, confirmation of their Christian faith in growing up through family devotional and applying bible’s principles to their daily lives.

The book is divided into three parts:

  1. Part One contains – Background – The Changing Scenes, Faith Building, Academic Skill Building and Mental Health Awareness,
  2. Part Two – is made up of three sections which include Daily Devotions, Church or Fellowship Services and Bible Studies.
  3. Part three is longer with 18 sub-sections, they are Reading Skills, Vocabulary Building, Reflection Skills, Active Listening Skills, Writing Skills, Presentation Skills, Team Building Skills, Comprehension Skills, Questioning Skills, Analytical & Problem- Solving Skills and Research Skills.

This book introduced the entire theme of child upbringing and faith nurturing in a contemporary world, with the intrusive nature of technology and other electronic gadgets that may distract children from learning from the scripture. The author mentioned how Jesus Christ grew in wisdom and influence through God’s word as cited in Luke 2 verse 52, the author believes that spiritual nurture of children happens with commitment, encouragement, training, and education in spiritual things occur at home, through morning devotions, where kids are encourage to read bible and contribute to the discussions.

In Part Two, the author brought to the fore bible precepts that will help children excel academically, unique abilities parents must inculcate spiritually in their wards that will nurture them as they grow into adolescents. Daily Devotions, Church or Fellowship and Bible Studies are some of the activities recommended by Inyang. It is paramount to note, that the author averred conversely that before adolescence, when these youngsters are eager to learn about spiritual life; they must be adequately prepared and tutored at home. He gave examples with a reference to the learning phases and disciplines of a former Muslims who made reference to the ceremonies that herald each phase of their reading and learning of the Korans, he said studying must become what they must learn at impressionable years, by making the learning frameworks fun, interesting and interactive, that way the children will see and appreciate the impact that steady-abiding faith of adults has on a young person.

In Part three, the author identified skill-sets that must be instilled in children to have a head-start in their lives and achieve academic success, parents were admonished to evaluate and appraise their daily routine to include spiritual components that is useful in bringing these 11 skills to fruition and effectiveness. Spiritual nurture related to the encouragement and training of the children as exemplified in the bible: “But bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b, King James Version).

The book is easy to read, the quotes that precede every chapter is good and indeed made the book instructive for every demographics. It is a good book for family and any settings where a child is raised for academic success and spiritual nurture, it did not delve into deep theological teachings, yet it did not shy away from mentioning the important place of Christian teachings at every stage of a childhood with infancy and finish with how to nurture their cognitive disposition with unflinching faith in God.

Reviewed by Kester Osahenye on13/03/18

(Kester Osahenye is a Columnist @SocialMediaNews & @ICT4D Promoter, New Media Evangelist, Writer, Award Winning Poet, Brand Builder, Branding Consultant & a Speaker.)