How To Navigate The Resources


Nuggets are resources from a biblical concept aimed to share lessons, ideas and tips that you can discuss with your child. Providing resources to facilitate a discussion and agreeable tasks or suggestions for your child to help nurture them.

5 Minutes Pep Talk

5-Minute Pep Talk series is designed to empower and motivate your child! As a parent/guardian, you play a vital role in nurturing your child’s and helping them discover their unique potential. In this article, we provide you with a six-day pep talk guide, based primarily o the Nugget post with examples you can use or adapt to inspire and uplift your child during your 5-minute discussions. You can talk about it during breakfast, on a school run or during evening and bed time routine. Let’s embark on this empowering journey together!

Weekly Highlights

These are quotes with a short brief linked to the message, and we aim to post weekly. The weekly highlights are related to the Values topic for the month.


A particular values topic we believe everyone should desire to improve is shared under this heading. A monthly post that you can work with your child on the values discussed throughout the month. Read it, let your child read the Children Version and discuss what actions should be taken. We aim to post on the first Wednesday of every month.

Values – Children Version

This is a version of the values that you can give to your child to read.

Sharing Corner

The sharing corner is a parent or guardian focus post where ideas, findings, research, suggestions, and tips regarding nurturing children are published.


Resources are materials that will focus more on academic learning using text or concepts from the Bible to encourage the child to learn towards excellence.


Faith are insights and guidance rooted in Christian beliefs that can serve as valuable resources for nurturing and exploring faith with your child. These are designed to foster meaningful discussions, impart important lessons, and offer practical suggestions for enhancing your child’s spiritual growth.